Let Our Trade Secret Attorneys Help You Apply Trade Secret Laws To Your Situation
Trade secrets consist of any formula, pattern, device or compilation of information used in a business that gives the business an opportunity to obtain an advantage over competitors. Simply put, a trade secret might be anything a business would not want a competitor to know. Customer lists, supplier lists, business plans, methods of doing business, secret formulas or proprietary databases could constitute trade secrets. At Morgan Williamson LLP, our trade secret attorneys have extensive experience in these matters. We can provide advice and develop a legal strategy for protecting your trade secrets.
To discuss your trade secret protection needs, contact an intellectual property lawyer at Morgan Williamson LLP. Call us in Amarillo at 806-705-7546 or complete our contact form. Our trade secret attorneys advise and represent clients throughout Texas and beyond.
Nuts And Bolts: Ways To Protect Trade Secrets
A business, as an owner of trade secrets, must take affirmative measures to safeguard its proprietary information and intellectual property. If a dispute were to arise over a business’s trade secrets, a court would critically analyze the efforts the business took to protect its trade secrets. Such efforts could include the following:
- Draft, negotiate and enforce noncompete agreements. These agreements prevent an employee from competing against the company after employment ends. These agreements are typically limited to a geographic area and a limited period of time.
- Establish written trade secrets policies. The policies should generally outline the nature of your business’s trade secrets and stress the company’s policies for maintaining confidentiality.
- Restrict access to trade secrets. If possible, the business should physically segregate trade secrets from other information and restrict access to the former.
- Maintain physical security of the business’s facilities. The business should institute security measures, including the use of locks on desks, cabinets and rooms that house trade secrets. The business should employ special security measures to restrict access to trade secret information stored on computer systems.
- Label trade secret documents. Documents containing trade secrets are of particular concern because they can be easily removed or secretly photocopied. A business should clearly label trade secret documents with a confidentiality notice and instruct all employees as to the meaning of the designation. When such documents are no longer necessary, they should be shredded.
- Limit the public’s accessibility to trade secrets. A company should exclude the public from those areas in which trade secrets are located.
- Screen speeches and publications. It is not uncommon for businesses to disclose trade secrets at trade shows, in magazine articles, publications or press releases and during public speeches. A business should screen all publications, articles and speeches prior to dissemination.
- Use nondisclosure agreements when dealing with third parties. Situations will arise in which a business will find it necessary to disclose trade secrets to prospective buyers, licensees, joint venturers or other third parties. All third parties should sign a written confidentiality agreement before any trade secrets are revealed.
Discuss your trade secret protection needs with one of our intellectual property lawyers today.
Reach Out To Our Amarillo Trade Secret Attorneys Today
Call Morgan Williamson at 806-705-7546 or send an email inquiry to schedule a consultation about your concerns regarding trade secrets and how to protect your intellectual property.